Chargers are devices that are used to charge rechargeable batteries such as lithium ion, lead acid or other types of batteries. They can be powered by AC power or solar panels and usually have a number of features such as current and voltage monitoring, overload and short circuit protection, and automatic shutdown when the battery is fully charged.
Power supplies are devices that provide electrical energy to various devices and systems such as computers, phones, laptops, power tools, security systems, and many more. They can be powered by batteries, AC or solar panels and have different specifications such as output voltage and current, battery capacity and type.
Solar panels are devices that convert solar energy into electrical energy. They are made up of solar cells that contain semiconductor materials such as silicon and convert light into direct current. Solar panels are used to power various devices and systems such as home lighting systems, security systems, electric vehicles, and many more. They can work as stand-alone power sources or in combination with batteries and chargers to store and use energy throughout the day and night.